
Life is an adventure.  

Exploration is the act of opening oneself to new adventures.  

There are so many diverse philosophies, forms, versions of nature, people... All of this gets filtered one way or another through my lens, through my brush, my vision for a house, a coworking space, a street, a table, and the way light is cast from one of my lamps on a wall.  

Herein are my visual adventures, a sampling of my daily act of filtering.  

Please send me your thoughts, what you love or not, regardless of how critical.  


Be well.

While all photography in the "Photography" section were taken by myself there are credits due in other categories.  

Photos of the Law Residence were by the fantastic Wayne Smith.

All the best looking photos in "Furniture + Lighting" were shot by the master Ryu Völkel.

Work on this site is updated infrequently (sorry)… my most recent work can be found on Instagram: @studiotrw


All rights by all images/photos reserved by respective artists/photographers.